Essential Ramadan Prep (Part 2/4): The Power of Silence
Feb 16, 2024Assalaamu'alaykum,
Some say that silence is your most powerful tool.
It’s taken me years to fully appreciate the depths of this concept and it’s still a journey unfolding.
We live in such a noisy world, filled with distractions and loud voices, with everyone competing for attention.
On top of that, our egos add to the noise, each one jostling to be heard and rise above the rest.
We often carry many unresolved inner wounds and critical judgements, both consciously and subconsciously.
Many times, these judgments become exposed because of unrestrained words, resulting in hurt and conflict in relationships.
Recently, I attended a gathering and decided to experiment with the power of silence and the practice of inner listening.
I approached the gathering with a heightened awareness of my words and their underlying motivations.
I made firm intentions to pause and carefully consider my thoughts before speaking, evaluating whether they truly needed to be said.
It was an experiment to observe my inner self, impulses and reactions.
Before speaking, I made it a habit to ask myself:
- Is this necessary?
- Does it spread goodwill?
- What effect do I intend these words to have?
This approach gave me a valuable filter to choose my words more mindfully, so I could be more aligned with how I wanted to show up in the gathering…
The exercise itself proved to be profoundly enlightening.
It shined a spotlight on the casual way words can slip out and be dismissed as harmless when in reality, they carry weight and sometimes the potential for hurt…
I also found that practising silence sharpened my observational skills with others. I became more attuned to their words and behaviours, noticing subtleties that I might have missed before.
I hope to continue this practice in all future interactions, InshaAllah!
Sometimes, there may be unprocessed feelings held within your heart that your words shouldn’t reveal in the moment...
You want to allow yourself the time needed to process these more negative emotions to elevate your heart, mind and words to a higher level before speaking.
Silence also gives you greater control to refrain from making casual comments, that in the moment, might seem harmless but indulge in behaviours you later regret; a casual joke at someone else’s expense, engaging in backbiting or exposing the faults of others.
It’s an exercise in brutal honest introspection but gently guided by an aspirational state of being and a sincere attempt to align with your faith, values and highest character.
Silence gives you a golden opportunity to tune into your authentic voice and observe your inner world.
Silence boosts your inner wisdom, your understanding of situations and your ability to self-correct.
And funnily enough, silence will help you be heard more! If you only speak what is necessary, people will be more inclined to listen attentively when you choose to share your thoughts.
Ramadan is a beautiful time for self-evaluation and scrutiny of intentions and deeds.
What better way to prepare for this blessed month than to cultivate your ability to remain silent long enough to listen to your inner voice and choose your words wisely, remembering that they offer insight into your soul?
What do you want people to see when they hear your words?
More importantly, how do you want to present your words to Allah?
P.S. If you want to work on shifting your perspectives and aligning your efforts with your highest spiritual values and aspirations, click HERE to schedule a 1:1 discovery call with me to explore your current challenges and discuss personalised strategies to help you bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be.
P.P.S. We’re busy behind the scenes putting together our third round of The Travellers (open to all). Register your interest HERE to be the first to know once we go live!
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