Focus On Quality Over Quantity
Apr 02, 2024
Focusing on the quality of our actions, even if they're fewer in number, is far more important than rushing through tasks just to check them off a list.
Allah SWT continuously reminds us that it’s not the size of a deed that counts, but the weight of the intention behind it.
Deeds may be few in number, but the heartfelt engagement and intention before, during, and after may carry the greatest weight over all other efforts.
When I reflect on this, I feel truly humbled, as it's yet another sign of the immeasurable rahma (mercy) Allah SWT has bestowed upon His creation. Allahu Akbar!
He knows our struggles.
He knows our efforts.
He knows what we can and cannot do.
He is Al- ‘Alim (the One who comprehends everything).
With this in mind, we must remain hopeful that even the smallest acts of Ibaadah count…
Taking care of your little ones or elderly parents, cooking for the family, the dhikr you recite while on the move, and the very act of fasting itself are all means of earning immense rewards in this month, InshaAllah.
Let’s not pin all hopes of achieving a fruitful Ramadan on only the bigger more time-consuming goals - know that every little bit counts.
Allah sees every single atom’s weight of deeds and judges according to the weight of the intention not the weight of the action.
“Indeed, Allah does not do injustice, [even] as much as an atom's weight; while if there is a good deed, He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward.”
[an-Nisa’ 4:40]
Imagine, just by reciting the following two words, what impact it could have for you on day of judgement…
The Messenger of Allah (Peace Be Upon him) said,
“There are two statements that are light for the tongue to remember, heavy in the Scales and are dear to the Merciful: `Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahil-Azim [Glory be to Allah and His is the praise, (and) Allah, the Greatest is free from imperfection)’.”
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Consider the reward promised, for just the brief moment it takes us to recite these two statements.
Imagine, giving £1 as sadaqah in secret with a heart full of sincerity could weigh a thousand times more on your scale of good deeds than giving £1000 without sincerity or Taqwa.
This is a great sign of Allah’s Kindness and Mercy, as the reward for deeds is not dependent on our financial capacity, time or worldly status.
We are all in equal standing in front of Allah and judged only according to our intentions and level of sincerity.
How much hope does this inspire within?
How much more do we fall in love with Al-Wudud, the One Who loves us more than a mother loves her own child!
Yes, let’s exert all our efforts over the next few days but let’s also keep in mind that quality trumps quantity...
Even if you can only do a little bit, do it with contemplation, do it with full presence of mind.
For example:
- Recite Qur’an whenever you can, even if it’s only a few ayahs, but focus on your pronunciation.
- Learn one new duaa or one Name of Allah and make mindful supplication with it.
- Give some sadaqah (charity) without anyone knowing.
- Spend a few moments pondering on an ayah from the Qur’an.
As you complete these deeds, have FULL tawakkul that every little bit of Ibaadah performed with heart, conviction and seeking only Allah’s SWT Face, can and will weigh just as heavy as bigger deeds in the eyes of the One who is Most Loving, Caring, Kind, Forgiving and Compassionate.
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